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*Not accepting applicants*

Summer Research Internship for Underrepresented Students in Psychology at Duke University

The Wilbourn Infant Lab at Duke University is offering paid internships for college undergraduates interested in research in Developmental Psychology. Interns will gain hands-on experience conducting research with infants, children, and adults. Each intern will work closely with professor Dr. Makeba Wilbourn and graduate students to develop an independent research. The WILD is in the process of starting a new internship program!

Please visit this temporary webpage of our upcoming internship opportunity:

Goals of the Summer Internship


1. Development of Research Skills

The primary aim of the internship program is to help develop interns’ research skills. Interns will:

  • Develop a research question

  • Plan and design a research study

  • Learn to collect data

  • Recruit participants

  • Analyze data

  • Disseminate and present their research

2. Professional and Research Development

Interns will attend workshops and panel discussions with distinguished faculty and graduate students to help prepare them for applying to graduate school and life as an academic. Interns will attend:

  • GRE Workshops

  • Writing Workshops

  • Statistics Workshop

  • Meetings with professors in area of interest

3. Intellectual Development
Interns will also work to hone their writing skills – a crucial aspect of research in psychology. Interns will meet professors/ psychologists from diverse backgrounds and career tracks that research many different areas of psychology (e.g. family life specialists). Interns will:
  • Complete literature reviews related to the research project and/or areas of interest
  • Attend weekly lab meetings to develop intern’s ability to digest and critically analyze empirical articles

Who can apply?

  • Students must be from one of the following underrepresented or minority groups: First generation college student, Black/African-American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, Native American Samoan/Guamanian, LGBTQ. If you are from an underrepresented or minority group not mentioned here, please contact us directly to determine your eligibility.

  • Previous research experience is preferred, though not required.

  • Applicants must be highly organized and reliable.

Dates & Time Commitment

The internship is a full-time commitment (40 hours/week; 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM), for the entire duration of the internship.

Stipend, Housing, & Travel

Interns will be provided with on-campus housing at Duke University. In addition to housing, interns will be provided with a stipend of $1500.00 to cover living expenses. Up to $400 in travel costs to and from Duke University will be covered.

How to apply:

All materials must be submitted to

  • A personal statement that outlines any previous research experience, your research interests, career goals, and motivation for wanting to intern in the Wilbourn Lab at Duke. Applicants should clearly outline which of the research questions outlined above they are most interested in focusing on during their internship. Statements should be no longer than two-pages, single-spaced.

  • Transcript (unofficial or official).

  • Resume or Vita (CV).

  • Letters of recommendation (preferably two, though one will be accepted). At least one letter must be from a professor.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your application!

The Summer Research Internship for Underrepresented Students in Psychology at DukeUniversity is funded by an NSF- Early Career Award awarded to Dr. Makeba Wilbourn. NSF-BCS-13-52672